Secrets to Creating the Perfect Holiday Event

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and celebration. For many people, this also means stress. You want to make sure everything is perfect for your guests before they arrive - but what if it isn't? Don't worry! We've got you covered with six secrets to creating the perfect holiday event.

First, PREPARATION is the key! Ease your stress, and provide a wonderful experience for your guests, by planning the event in advance. Make sure you have enough time to decorate and prepare everything at least two days before the party so that on the day of, all you need to worry about is enjoying yourself! Make an actual event schedule, and decide what you want to accomplish that day. Every top event planner will tell you that it's so important to have a plan.

Second, you want your party space to be comfortable and inviting for guests! Start off by making sure that everything is clean - not just the bathrooms but all of the surfaces in every room where people will be coming into contact with them (this includes counters, tables, etc). Make any necessary repairs or preparations that need to be done, and then add a touch of holiday spirit by decorating the space. Make sure to have Covid safe set ups, such as plenty of hand sanitizer.

Third, FOOD! No party is complete without it! But food isn't just for eating - people love interacting with each other over their favorite foods so make sure you have enough stocked in case there are leftovers. You can always ask guests to bring something, or have a potluck if you don't want to provide all of the food.

Fourth, drink! No party is complete without drinks - especially during the holidays when people are celebrating with their loved ones and friends! Make sure you have enough glasses for those who will be drinking from them so they aren't running around trying to find a clean one, and have plenty of water available for those who don't drink alcohol. Have some custom drinks made just for the event, or have your guests bring their favorite kind of alcohol to share with everyone!

Fifth, music and entertainment! This is what will make the party go from just a nice get together to an unforgettable night. People need something fun to do while they are there - whether it's playing games, dancing around in hilarious holiday costumes, or just singing along to holiday songs. Hire some fun brand ambassadors in holiday outfits to really set the mood and get everyone having a blast!

If you want a more formal event, hire someone to play some music, we love an interactive violinist, or even provide a dance floor! Don't forget - holiday music is a must!

Sixth, event staff! There's a reason why there are professionals out there who make millions of dollars doing what they do - because it is hard, and you need to have the right people on your team. If you're not hiring an event planner or company to help with setup and clean up then hire some staff for those days leading up to the party as well as during the event!

Seventh and finally, don't forget the details! The most important part of any party is actually showing up - but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have little things for your guests as they arrive. Things like a goody bag for the kids, or coasters so everyone can put their drinks down. You could even have party favors! The more you do to make your guests feel welcome and taken care of, the better time they will have at your event.

Don't forget to dress to impress! The holidays are the perfect time to glam up, and your guests will be expecting to see everyone looking their best. Not only does this make you look and feel great (which is the most important), but it sets a welcoming tone for others as well!

Now that your event is perfect, all there's left to do is enjoy yourself and show off those party planning skills. You've done it!


Want to learn more about how we can help you create an incredible holiday event? Contact our team today!