Why Toronto Brand Ambassadors Must Be a Good Fit for Your Event Guest Demographic

In practically any special event or experiential marketing campaign in Toronto, brand ambassadors play a pivotal role in interacting with attendees and creating a positive, emotional experience. However, if the wrong brand ambassadors are recruited, the success of the entire campaign is in jeopardy. This, then, cannot be overemphasized: that it is of supreme importance that the Toronto brand ambassadors who represent your company in a live brand experience are a good fit for the particular consumer demographic attending the event.

There are two principle ways that brand ambassadors can be chosen such that they resonate with a given consumer or guest demographic. First, brand ambassadors can be selected based on having a life background that’s similar to the target audience. For instance, suppose a brand seeks to capture the attention and interest of young parents who have just had their first child. Under these circumstances, it may be a wise choice for the brand to recruit brand ambassadors who are also young parents. In this way, the brand’s target audience would be immersed in an experiential environment that is thoroughly compelling, sincere, and memorable.

Imagine, on the other hand, what would happen if brand ambassadors were chosen who knew nothing of the unique struggles and challenges of parenthood; in this case, the target demographic would not find the experience as enjoyable and emotionally gripping.

There’s another way that Toronto brand ambassadors can be chosen such that they touch the emotional nucleus of the experiential marketing campaign’s target audience. By carrying out extensive research on the target audience, a deft experiential marketing team can discover what kind of lifestyle the target audience aspires to. Then, with this information in hand, brand ambassadors can be selected which are a good reflection of this “dream lifestyle.” A simple example: a brand that sells nutritious products might be best served by brand ambassadors who are fit and healthy, even if the brand’s core target audience is still striving to attain this level of physical health. The target audience will look to these brand ambassadors as a source of inspiration – and also as convincing evidence that the lifestyle they aspire to is an entirely feasible reality.

So, for brands seeking brand ambassadors in Toronto – for an event or activation campaign – consider carefully whether or not the experiential marketing agency you choose has a firm grasp on the art of brand ambassador selection.