What Experiential Marketing Has to Offer: 5 Tips For Success

Most marketing strategies rely on the "message" to make an impression and convert a customer. But experiential marketing, which is experiential in nature, relies on staging events that create an experience for customers. It's about meeting your prospects where they are (e.g., at their workplace) and then giving them something worth remembering (e.g., a coffee). The end goal of experiential marketing is to connect with potential customers on a more personal level—and it can be quite effective if you're looking for new clients who might not know much about your business yet!

The experiential marketing strategy is a successful way to gain new clients, and it makes sense why so many businesses use experiential marketing as part of their overall strategies. It's more than just experiential; it engages customers on an emotional level, which means they'll leave thinking about your brand, product or service.

"Experiential marketing makes customers emotionally invested in a company." - experian.com/marketing-services/demystifying-experience-based-marketing

As marketers, we know the importance of connecting with new and existing customers on an emotional level. If experiential marketing is done well, customers will walk away from an experiential event feeling as though they have a personal connection to the brand and that their experience was worthwhile—which means there's a good chance you'll get repeat business or new clients!

Experiential marketing can take on many forms, get creative and do your research. Below are a few starting off points to execute it with success.

5 Important Tips For Experiential Success

1. Find Your Audience

For experiential marketing to be successful, you need people in attendance at an experiential event. You can't have a memorable experience without someone else there! So for experiential marketing to work, your business needs both customers and potential customers.

2. Personalization

The focus of experiential marketing is on the customer's personal experiences with a brand or product, so experiential marketing is about meeting your prospects where they are and giving them something worth remembering in a personal way.

3. Make It Fun

When it comes to experiential events, you can get really creative with how you approach the planning process. This could mean hosting a pop-up shop (where people literally buy products off of a truck) or bringing your business to life by creating experiential events. Yes, experiential marketing can be fun—for both you and the customers! So go out there (or send someone on your behalf), gather some creative people, and brainstorm how you might make experiential marketing work for your brand.

4. Get People Talking

A great experiential event will leave customers talking about your business for weeks, months—even years to come! You can do this by creating an experiential event that is relevant and memorable.

5. Know Your Budget

Experiential marketing isn't cheap. So before you plan out a new experiential strategy, ask yourself if it's feasible for your business. If experiential marketing isn't in the cards (at least not right now), don't get discouraged! There are many other ways to make an impression on potential customers, like creating a new website or social media campaign.

Lastly, remember it's all about great event staff! You can have the best experiential marketing strategy in place, but if your event staff is unprofessional and unprepared, you're going to run into problems. Choose a venue that has an established relationship with experiential marketing or hosting events—ensure they know what services are provided for them (brand ambassadors, models, security, food etc.).

The experiential marketing strategy is a great way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. It's also one of the most effective ways for businesses to stand out from their competitors, as experiential events are memorable and unique—and they set you apart from any plain old print advertisements or TV commercials! Contact us today to learn more.